Stormcast Eternals - Vanguard-Raptors
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Vanguard-Raptors are natural hunters, often scouting ahead of the main battle line to harry the enemy with deadly crossbow fire. Those who favour the close-ranged kill form into retinues armed with hurricane crossbows, ferocious weapons capable of stalling the most determined enemy advance with withering quick-fire volleys. This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble 3 Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows. One model can be assembled as a Raptor-Prime – this model features a unique shoulder pad and helmet crest, sculpted with a raptor motif. Additionally, this kit makes 3 Aetherwings, and the Vanguard-Raptors can optionally be assembled with Longstrike Crossbows.
- Wydawca:
- Games Workshop
Vanguard-Raptors are natural hunters, often scouting ahead of the main battle line to harry the enemy with deadly crossbow fire. Those who favour the close-ranged kill form into retinues armed with hurricane crossbows, ferocious weapons capable of stalling the most determined enemy advance with withering quick-fire volleys.
This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble 3 Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows. One model can be assembled as a Raptor-Prime – this model features a unique shoulder pad and helmet crest, sculpted with a raptor motif.
Additionally, this kit makes 3 Aetherwings, and the Vanguard-Raptors can optionally be assembled with Longstrike Crossbows.
Podstawowe informacje
- Zawartość pudełka:
- 3 wieloczęściowe modele Vanguardów (do wyboru uzbrojeni w kusze typu Longstrike lub Hurricane)
- 3 wieloczęściowe modele Aetherwingów (wszystkie modele wymagają samodzielnego złożenia i ewentualnego pomalowania)
- 3 okrągłe podstawki 40 mm
- 3 owalne podstawki 60x35 mm
- 3 okrągłe podstawki 32 mm
- arkusz kalkomanii (transfer sheet)
- Waga:
- 170 g
- Podmiot gospodarczy:
- Games Workshop Limited, Unit 3, Lower Liffey Street, Dublin 1, D01 K199, Ireland. +353 180 085 2972
- Kod producenta:
- 96-30
- Kod EAN / UPC:
- 5011921165353
- Kraj pochodzenia:
- Wielka Brytania
- Informacje dot. bezpieczeństwa:
- OSTRZEŻENIE Nieodpowiednie dla dzieci w wieku poniżej 3 lat. Istnieje ryzyko zadławienia się małymi elementami.
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